This is the only existing letter handwritten
by Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Displayed here is a photographic replica, while
the original letter has been placed in special preservation. After journeying
through India as a teenage yogi and known by the name of Neelkanth Varni,
the Lord arrived in the village of Loj. He was extremely eager to meet
His Guru - Ramanand Swami. Expressing His respect and love and describing
the experience of His austerities and long pilgrimage, Neelkanth wrote
this letter to Ramanand Swami on 15 March 1800 CE (Falgun vad 5, 1856
VS) in Hindi. This diorama setting has been created from the exact descriptions
found in the scriptures. And this letter was gifted by Maniben who comes
in the direct lineage of Mayaram Bhatt, an intimate disciple of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.