The Glory of Lord Swaminarayan
"Lord Swaminarayan enlightened innumerable souls by His charisma,
drew thousands together and fired them with a spirit of do-or-die for
Him, relieved the unscrupulous Kathis and Kolis of their thievish tendencies,
revived the lost ethical precept of Brahmacharya, resuscitated the degenerated
ascetic order, taught the ideal of self-control and righteousness to
the Gurus and Acharyas who had fallen from their duties, emancipated
women by assigning them their rightful status in society and in the
Fellowship, morally uplifted the lower classes, encouraged literary
and musical activities, performed yagnas which did not involve animal
sacrifice, inculcated the doctrine of tolerance, revived ethical and
moral values and devotion, taught the glory and grandeur of God and
founded and propagated Bhagwat Dharma on the principles inculcated by
Bhagwan Veda Vyas - such was
Sahajanand Swami." - Kishorelal Mashruwala (great Gandhian thinker)