Let Non-Violence be thy Creed
About 150 years ago, animal
sacrifice during yagnas was highly prevalent.
Sahajanand Swami endeavored to stop the killing of innocent creatures.
The Minister of Bhuj, Jagjivan Mehta, turned a deaf ear to the preaching
of non-violence by Swami Sahajanand. However, in a scriptural debate,
Sahajanand Swami established that, "The Vedas condone animal sacrifice
in yagnas in order to restrict the highly rampant violence. However,
the Vedas really aim at the total eradication of animal sacrifice in
the yagnas, since they hold ahimsa as the highest ethical code."
He heralded non-violent yagnas by conducting one such yagna in Jetalpur
in V.S. 1865. The impostors belonging to the Vama sect conspired with
the Peshwa of Amdavad to kill him, but to no avail. Undaunted by such
attempts on His life, Swami Sahajanand performed yet another non-violent
yagna in Dabhan.
As time went on, the persistent efforts of Swami Sahajanand totally
eradicated yagnas involving animal sacrifice, and replaced them by non-violent