the Fuldol festival assembly |
Garlanding Pujya
Mahant Swami for completing a pilgrimage from Bochasan to Chhapaiya (1345
Km) with a group of 15 sadhus |
Swamishri with
the group of pilgrim sadhus |
With two of
the Sanstha's sadhus from Calcutta who have been offering their services
in the supercyclone disaster in Orissa |
holding aloft a torch carried by a team of 31 youths who pilgrimaged on
foot from Amdavad to Sarangpur (156 Kms) |
The assembly was blessed with a divine discourse
from Swamishri. Swamishri explained the glory and compassion of Lord Swaminarayan
who took a human form on earth solely to redeem countless souls. Swamishri
added, "God wishes the good of all. There is no fault in God and
his holy sadhu. We must have faith in his divinity and glory..." |