commemorate the Bicentenary of the Swaminarayan Mahamantra and
with the blessings of Pramukh Swami Maharaj, 15 sadhus and 6 youths
from the Sanstha's mandir at Bochasan, undertook this challenging
1340 km pilgrimage by foot. The pilgrimage party was led by Mahant
Swami. Leaving from Bochasan on 2 February, the group arrived
in Chhapiya, the birthplace of Lord Swaminarayan, 42 days later
on 14 March 2000.
Throughout the pilgrimage
they walked, on average, for about 7 hours and 45 minutes each
day, covering an average distance of 33km daily. During their
time on the road, the sadhus and devotees sang devotional songs,
recited memorized extracts from the Vachanamrut and other scriptures
and engaged in spiritual discussions. Along the way many devotees
and well-wishers provided encouragement and support.
This created an entirely spiritual atmosphere, which attracted
many passers-by. Many enquired and were impressed by the message,
motive and spiritual atmosphere of the pilgrimage parade.
For the final leg of the pilgrimage from Ayodhya to Chhapiya,
the group swelled to 90. At Chhapiya, in the mandir built over
the exact birthplace of Lord Swaminarayan, the sadhus and devotees,
led by Mahant Swami, sang the Swaminarayan Mahamantra dhun for
one hour praying for the well-being of Swamishri, all sadhus and
devotees; for harmony and unity amongst all; and for everyone's
continued spiritual progress.
Having completed the pilgrimage by foot, the group traveled to
Sarangpur for the darshan of Pramukh Swami Maharaj and to receive
his blessings.