H.H. Karekin
II, Catholicos of The Armenian Orthodox Church, arrives for the Summit |
Jagajitsinhji, leader of Namdhari Sikh Sampradaya, and his disciples arrive
at the UN building |
His Eminence
Ayatollah Abdollah Vaeze Javadi, on behalf of His Eminence Ayatollah
Khamenei, arrives for the Peace Summit |
H.H. Swami
Dayanand Saraswati being welcomed by a Peacock dance |
of Red Indians at the UN for the Peace Summit |
The Most
Reverend Kuni Kuniaki of the Shinto faith, Japan, is welcomed with his
disciples |
Children of
BAPS welcome the delegates in colorful costumes |
Her Holiness
Dadi Janki of the Brahma Kumaris is welcomed at the Peace Summit |
of BAPS welcome the delegates with a colorful traditional dance |
His Divine Holiness
Pramukh Swami Maharaj, Spiritual leader of the BAPS, arrives at the UN
Headquarters |
Lord Harikrishna
Maharaj and HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj are welcomed by the volunteers |
Team of BAPS
children who welcomed the delegates to the Peace Summit |
BAPS volunteers
who welcomed the delegates to the Peace Summit |
BAPS children
outside the UN Headquarters |
Disciples of
H.H. Dalai Lama peacefully demonstrate against the UN for not inviting
His Holiness for the Inaugural Session |