Bal-Balika Adhiveshions
16 June 2002, Gujarat, Maharashtra
& Bengal
1954, Brahmaswarup Yogiji Maharaj established the Children’s
Wing of the BAPS. As part of the celebrations to commemorate
its completion of 50 years in 2004, regional Bal-Balika adhiveshions
were held on 16 June 2002. Over 35,000 boys and girls aged
between 5 and 14, from 4,500 children’s centres in 165
regions participated at 41 different venues. Further categories
were made for different age groups and 11 competitions were
offered, such as, memorising spiritual passages, speech, story
telling, miming, vocal, dance, questionnaire, and others.
Through these competitions, the talent of the children was
During the 2 month preparatory phase the children and their
sanchalaks all worked hard and devoted much time to produce
the best possible performances.
The knowledge and experience gained by participating in this
adhiveshion will benefit the children in their personal lives
as well. The level of performance by the children was of a
remarkably high standard.