During the summer
vacation of April-May 2003, kishores and kishoris aged between
14 and 23 prepared for the adhiveshan which was held on Sunday
25 May 2003.
Over 11,000 kishores
and kishoris from 121 regions competed at 50 adhiveshan venues
throughout Gujarat and Maharashtra in 4 competitions:
1. Gnanvardhak
Based on selected Vachanamruts, Swamini Vatu and the Shikshapatri
a 20-minute written paper of 90 objective questions was taken
by all.
2. Prasang Varnan
From a defined list of 10 stories, each person had to prepare
any 3. From these 3, the judges selected any 1 for the participant
to present in 5 minutes.
3. Satsangini
Shubh Riti
A booklet of 90 questions encompassing the basic and essential
practice and traditions of satsang was given to all. From
this, each person was tested orally by the judges with 9 questions.
4. Solo Kirtan
Participants sung any one kirtan composed by the paramhansas
of Shriji Maharaj before a panel of judges.
To execute the arrangements
over 5000 judges and 6000 volunteers helped.
Participants competed
in separate categories, as below:
1. Kishores
i. Sahajanand Group: age 19-23
ii. Nilkanth Group: age 14-18
2. Kishoris
i. Sahajanand Group: age 19-23
ii. Nilkanth Group: age 14-18
In this way, these
youths used their vacation to strengthen their understanding
and knowledge of satsang. It was an inspiring experience for