The Chief Rabbi of Israel Yonan
Metzger, Chief Rabbi and President of the International Jewish
Committee for Interreligious Consultation David Rosen, Chief
Rabbi of Belgium Albert Guigui, Chief Rabbi of Turkey Isak Haleve,
Former Chief Rabbi of Spain Benito Baruj Garzon, the Israeli
Ambassador Mr. David Danielli, and other officials arrived at
Swaminarayan Akshardham at 8.30 am. They were welcomed and shown
around the entire complex. The Chief Rabbi of Israel expressed
his astonishment on learning that the complex was built in only
five years. He added that the word beautiful is not enough to
describe it. It was just wonderful.
The delegation saw the main monument, Gajendra Peeth, boat-ride
and Sahajanand Darshan exhibitions. In all the group spend 1hr.
40 min.
The Chief Rabbi of Israel opined, “ I am greatly impressed
from the wonderful presentation of value and morality. I have
never seen such wonderful presentation that explains educational
messages for future generations. May your work and efforts be