The BAPS Satsang Mandal in Bangkok,
Thailand held a Satsang Shibir on 4 and 5 November 2006, in
the presence of BAPS sadhus. This was the second time this year
that such a shibir had been organized. Over 55 people participated
in the shibir which was based on the theme ‘Niyam, Nischay,
Paksha’ – the three qualities of a true satsangi
outlined in the Vachanamrut by Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
The sadhus discussed various topics
through inspirational speeches, presentations, group discussions,
videos and teambuilding exercises. A collective personal puja
session was also held. The shibir consolidated the unity among
the devotees and strenghtened their understanding of satsang
concepts. Also, many pledged to regularly attend the weekly
satsang assembly.