On Thursday 6
April 2006, numerous devotees visited BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandir,
Neasden, London to celebrate the sacred festival of Shri Swaminarayan
Jayanti and Ramnavmi. To mark this auspicious occasion, grand annakuts
was offered to the deities.
At 12 noon, the sadhus performed the birth arti of Shri Ramchandra.
All the devotees had the opportunity to rock the cradle of Shri Ramchandra.
During the course of the day, devotees were also given the opportunity
of offering abhishek to the sacred image of Nilkanth Varni (Bhagwan
In the evening bhajans and speeches extolling the virtues and greatness
of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Shri Ramchandraji were presented. The grand
assembly culminated in the celebrations of the birth of Bhagwan Swaminarayan
at 10:10pm.
On Saturday 8 April 2006, further celebrations of Shri Swaminarayan
Jayanti took place with a wonderful programme in the evening in which
countless devotees attended. The programme demonstrated through dramas,
bhajans and discourses, the true inspiration provided by Bhagwan Swaminarayan
to the devotees to lead morally upright lives.
During the day many
devotees took part in the ‘Akhand Swaminarayan Dhun’ in front
of the sacred image of sacred image of Nilkanth Varni (Bhagwan Swaminarayan).
Devotees from all
over the country also gathered at the local mandirs and centres to celebrate
this important festival.