After a month of extraordinary weather, on Friday
17th November 2006, even the heavens became tearful
at the departure of Pramukh Swami Maharaj from London
Mandir. It was his 18th visit to London –
one of the most memorable and definitely the most
impromptu of them all. Truly the last 30 days had
echoed 'Kon jãne ã kem thayu,
ãvyu anachintavyu sukh...’. The
evening before on Thursday 16th November, a short
assembly was held in which Swamishri highlighted
the importance of nirdoshbuddhi in God
and the Satpurush. He also praised the volunteers
of UK Satsang Mandal for their hospitality in catering
for devotees who had come from all over the world
for darshan and samagam. On Friday, Swamishri performed
darshan in the main shrines and also performed dandvats
at the central shrine. After abhishek of Shri Nilkanth
Varni, Swamishri gave darshan in the Haveli packed
with devotees. Swamishri then gave his own special
farewell by walking down the centre of the Haveli,
blessing everyone with his darshan. He left as he
had come 30 days ago – with folded hands and
unprecedented love radiating from his eyes.