In 1954, Brahmswarup Yogiji
Maharaj established the BAPS children's activities. Ever since
its establishment, the bal-balika mandals have been increasing
worldwide. To celebrate the 50th anniversary of BAPS children's
activities, the Midwest Bal-Balika mandal organized a Bal-
Balika Din under the title, "Suvarna Mahotsav."
During the morning session,
children had the opportunity to listen to Pujya Doctor Swami's
speech on family values and the importance of practicing Satsang.
After, saints revealed their personal experiences with Swamishri,
and explained how balaks and balikas can become closer to
The evening assembly centered
around a drama about an old man who remembered his childhood
days when he used to attend bal sabha during Yogiji Maharaj's
time. The balaks performed a drama, "Lindio," which illustrated
that one must become strong in life and Satsang. Thereafter,
balaks performed a dance to "Maare Swamine Raaji Karavaaj
Chhe," and after each line, an incident about a balak was
narrated relating to the meaning of each line.
Finally, during Swamishri's
blessings, he stated how Yogiji Maharaj used to inspire children
to attend Satsang regularly. He then explained the importance
of the Akshar Purushottam Upasana by narrating how Yogiji
Maharaj used to instruct balaks to recite "Swami ane Narayan,
Akshar ane Purushottam…" He also instructed the balaks to
stay away from kusang in the forms of not eating meat, keeping
good company, etc.