free and single.
These three words best describe
the mentality of todays youth.
They are at a delicate transition
in their lives, expected by society
to be responsible and yet by that
same society trusted with
sponsibilities or allowed to think
for themselves. It is a period
where they have to leave their
childhood dreams and accept the
realities of life. If we can learn to
trust them, to respect their views,
to treat them as the young adults
they are - and at the same time
still love them as we did when
they were children, then may be
they will be able to accept these
realities and take on the task to
improve the world we live in.
If not, they may rebel against
society and in effect, against us.
We can see Swamishri preparing
yesterdays children to become
tomorrows leaders...
With Youth |
Surviving... |
Every student faces a dilemma. He has to achieve a balance between
the demands made upon him. The tension of exams, the pressure from
the family to excel and of course, the temptations of society. Whatever
he does, right or wrong, is ultimately reflected in his results. Teaching
them the formulae and calculations of life, Swamishri educates them
in how to survive in and out of the classroom...
3 |
Interview by
the Bombay kishore mandal... |
In todays materialistic climate our age group is being blinded.
Because of that, our progress, both in education and spiritually,
is being hampered. How can we overcome this?
Swamishri : Todays social climate is evil. Parents know it
and even we know it. But only if we realise the greatness of religion
will we be able to restrain our mind from being lured. We should
have a firm conviction in our soul that we want to reap the benefits
of religion. From the beginning we should concentrate on our studies
and resist worldly temptations. If we keep the company of sadhus
our mind will not wander. We should study three to four hours a
day. This is our sadhana. To study. Coupled with this, if we can
realise ourselves as the atma, we will have no problems. If we can
reap the benefits of religion and not become entangled in worldly
affairs, we will have no problems.
Sometimes, even though we may be in a group, we feel different and
experience an inferiority complex. Why? How can we overcome this?
Swamishri : We should never think that, I cant do this
or I will never be able to progress. We should try our
best. When others move ahead be pleased for them. We should look
to Shriji Maharaj for strength to move ahead ourselves. Its
not like we cant do it. Even we can progress. We should keep
persevering. Look at Taltumbadiya Shastri; he was determined to
become a scholar and he worked hard to achieve that. We need to
dispel our inferiority complex. We have the shelter of God, so we
will get strength and the blessings of Yogiji Maharaj.
At this age, Swami, we all have high ambitions...
Swamishri : [interrupts] In this world, ambitions have never lasted
and never will last. The only ambition which is of any use is to
do bhakti, and to please God and His Sadhu. We should also have
an ambition to be good so that people admire us and we develop admiration
for them... In whichever field we work in, we should always be honourable.
Live according to the rules and regulations. We will only be of
any use if we try to be good, and through trying we will find peace.
How did you progress?
Swamishri : If we remain smaller than everyone we become bigger
than everyone. But those who try to become bigger than the rest
end up becoming the smallest. We should never try to get ahead at
someone elses expense. Those who help others help themselves.
We feel that our parents are too old-fashioned; they feel that we
are spoilt. How can we bridge this divide?
Swamishri : All parents are not as old-fashioned as we think. They
only want to help and make us good. Thats why they continuously
try to guide us. But we should make an effort to understand them.
We should never forget all that they have done for us. If we remember
that, well be able to accept their views.
We know that we should not watch TV or eat out. Yet often we cant
help ourselves. And we also know that we should study hard, be firm
in Satsang and obey our parents, yet we dont seem to be able
to do this. What should we do?
Swamishri : We dont have the level of understanding which
we should have. So even though we listen to such advice, we cant
adhere to it. We like to talk about how things should be. But if
we can fix it in our minds that TV is like poison, that by eating
out we become spoilt, then we will lose the attraction towards all
these things. All our weaknesses and attachments will disappear...
We have a fixed conception that snakes are poisonous. So we are
scared of them. Do we ever try to catch them? Even if we see a snake
in a dream we run from it. We shudder just on talking about them.
Similarly, if we can attain complete knowledge of life, then we
will develop an allergy towards worldly objects. We should know
whats true and whats false. Because we dont totally
understand this we get up from here and still go out there seeking
What expectations do you have for us kishores?
Swamishri : What should I expect? That you massage my hands and
feet or my head? Not quite. I dont expect you all to become
sadhus either, but you should become good devotees. Study hard,
serve the people and our country, be honourable, live according
to our niyam-dharma so that whatever field you are in, you wont
have any problems. We want to build a good society. A society in
which there is no corruption, only honourable people who do honest,
hard work. It is Shriji Maharajs and Yogiji Maharajs
wish that we study hard and come forward. So we should condition
ourselves to be like that.
(12 February 1993, Bombay)