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A Spiritual Travelogue of Pramukh Swami Maharaj
  18 to 30 April 2004  
Amdavad (18 to 23 April 2004)
London (23 to 30 April 2004)
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  • 29 April 2004, London ( Mp3 2,739 KB)
     Swamishri inaugurates a new edition of 'Bhagwan Swaminarayan' publication
    • 22 April 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 3) Thursday, Amdavad
      • After his morning puja Swamishri inaugurated a translated version of Swamini Vato in Hindi and also a BAPS VCD 'Sanskar Jyot'. Swamishri also did pujan of motorcycle helmets to be made available from BAPS bookstalls for devotees.
      • In the evening assembly a grand farewell assembly was arranged for Swamishri's departure on a Satsang tour abroad. Swamishri inaugurated two BAPS publications: a revised edition of Bhagwan Swaminarayan's biography in Gujarati and an English edition of The Ramayan for youths.
    Swamishri entering the Mandir
    • 23 April 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 4) Friday, Amdavad
      • At 10.30 a.m. Swamishri departed for London from Sardar Patel International Airport, Amdavad. Covering a distance of 6,874 km Swamishri landed at Heathrow Airport at 7.05 p.m. (IST) (2.35 p.m. GMT).
      • Swamishri was given a warm welcome at the Shri Swaminarayan Mandir, London.

    Swamishri accepts the devotion of UK Satsang Mandal through a unique garland prepared by Mahila Mandal
    • 24 April 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 5) Saturday, London
      Swamishri was given a grand welcome during the evening assembly by the devotees of London. After speeches by sadhus, Swamishri was welcomed with garlands and bouquets by sadhus and devotees. Honorable Minister for Transport Tony McNulty welcomed Swamishri with a garland and expressed his greetings in a short speech. The BAPS youths, teenagers and children performed a devotional and colorful welcome dance.Finally in his blessings Swamishri said, "By doing darshan of this mandir, the murtis and haveli people experience peace in their hearts. The reason is that the mandir has been built with inner love, sacrifice and the spirit to please God and His Sadhu. And Shriji Maharaj, Gunatitanand Swami, Bhagatji Maharaj, Shastriji Maharaj and Yogiji Maharaj are pleased upon you all because you have sacrificed fully for them."In conclusion, the devotees got the opportunity of Swamishri's darshan. More than 5,000 devotees had attended the welcome assembly.
    Devotees starting the Walk in front of the Mandir
    • 25 April 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 6) Sunday, London
      Every year the BAPS organizes a sponsored walk. This year 2,560 devotees between the ages of 4 to 94 took part in the 10km walk. They had contacted 47,000 sponsorers. The Mayor of Brent, Peter Layman, honored Swamishri and addressed the assembly. Finally Swamishri blessed the participants.

    • 26 April 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 7) Monday, London
      The Air Chief Marshal of Britain, Jock Stirrup, was impressed by his visit to the mandir and Swaminarayan School. He felt privileged in meeting Swamishri and opined, "I heard about it, read about it but nothing prepares you for seeing this. The thing that struck me most - it is of course beautiful, the carvings are magnificent, the entire structure is wonderful but it is the reflection of devotion of countless individual's love, devotion and efforts - that is the most impressive. In particular it is my pleasure to be able to be here and see it, to meet everyone and Swamishri. In our profession we need lots of good people. This visit presented me an opportunity to meet with lots of good people. In particular, the visit to Swaminarayan School was impressive..."
    Swamishri garlands two young school children
    • 30 April 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 10) Friday, London
      The only Hindu school in Europe, The Swaminarayan School, London, inspired by Swamishri, has a value-based academic curriculum for students. Children are taught traditional Indian music and dance. In this evening’s satsang assembly, students of the school sang bhajans, played musical instruments, gave a tabla presentation and performed a traditional dance. The students also recited Sanskrit sloks and delivered speeches.

      Viveksagar Swami addressed the devotees about Swamishri’s inspiration in establishing the school, which now has 500 students from nursery to 12th grade. Finally Swamishri blessed the assembly emphasizing the need for teaching character and values in education for all round development of children.
           Time Management
    • 24 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 5) Saturday, London

      At 5.50 p.m. Swamishri completed his evening walk and yogasans in the mandir. Thereafter he was informed about his scheduled 6.30 p.m. arrival for the welcome assembly in the mandir At 5.50 p.m. Swamishri completed his evening walk and yogasans in the mandir. Thereafter he was informed about his scheduled 6.30 p.m. arrival for the welcome assembly in the mandir hall. During the interim period Swamishri decided upon finishing his correspondence. As he was about to take paper and pen, an attendant sadhu arrived and asked Swamishri whether he had time to meet Hun Kop, a devotee, now or later. Swamishri said that he would meet him and write the letter during the assembly.

      When Hun Kop and Martin arrived, an attendant sadhu said, "Hun Kop was very happy on reading the blessings you had written in his newly purchased copy of the Vachanamrut." Swamishri had written, "By reading the Vachanamrut one will get the essence of all shastras. Read one Vachanamrut daily and one will realize the knowledge of atma and Paramatma and experience peace. With blessings."

      After spending twenty minutes with Hun Kop, Swamishri got up to go to the assembly. When Swamishri came out of his room it was 6.10 p.m. On his way to Thakorji's darshan, the resident sadhu looking after the kitchen arrangement informed Swamishri about the food items for dinner for the devotees. Along the way Swamishri acknowledged the presence of youths. On reaching Thakorji, Swamishri engaged himself in darshan. Thereafter, on seeing a youth Swamishri told him that his father had informed him about his problem during their flight to London and blessed him that everything would turn out well.

      After descending to the ground floor, Swamishri passed by the exhibition, 'Understanding Hinduism'. A volunteer devotee said, "Bapa, I request you to visit the exhibition." Swamishri replied calmly, "I have to reach the assembly now. I shall come later." Swamishri arrived in the haveli foyer and by the main entrance to the assembly hall before time. It was 6.25 p.m.
      Swamishri's time management was simply amazing. Despite the time restraint, Swamishri executed his work without creating an air of business, tension, noise or disrespect towards anyone
             Patience and Love
    • 24 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 5) Saturday, London

      In the welcome assembly, devotees from different regions of England offered garlands or bouquets to Swamishri. An aged devotee, Harmankaka, stepped onto the stage with his walking stick. After offering a bouquet to Swamishri, he wished to bow and touch Swamishri's feet. As he was thinking about placing his stick on one side, Swamishri held it for him. After bowing down, he got up and then took out his rosary and gave it to Swamishri to say it and sanctify it - a routine he has been doing every time he welcomes Swamishri. Swamishri satisfied his wish and Harmankaka ambled happily across the stage with his walking stick.

      The entire assembly saw Swamishri's patience and love for a senior devotee.
             Care and Love
    • 24 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 5) Saturday, London

      The lift doors opened in the mandir pradakshina. Swamishri stepped onto a red carpet which had been laid to ward off the cold marble floor. On seeing a middle-aged Parsi devotee opposite the lift doors, Swamishri in an instant called out, "Oh Nosh! Your carpet is still in use." The devotee was overwhelmed with joy.

      Even four years after Swamishri last visited London, he instantly called the devotee by his name. This reflects his love and camaraderie with young and old devotees alike.
             Swamishri's Intimacy
    • 26 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 6) Monday, London

      A youth volunteer introduced himself to Swamishri, "My name is Haresh and my native village is Shrijipura."

      "What is your father's name?" Swamishri enquired.

      "Ramji Chhagan."

      Swamishri knows each and every household and names of devotees in Shrijipura. Swamishri then remembered the volunteers's relatives, "He is originally of Ugamedi village. When Shastriji Maharaj acquired land in Shrijipura he had also asked devotees to reside there and till the land. His father's name is Ramji and his brother is called Dayal. Chhagan has two children, and three brothers, namely, Trikam the eldest, then Chhagan, Narayan and Talshi. Ramji's brother is a sadhu in Sarangpur. And Manilal of Surat is related to him.

      Haresh stood amazed at Swamishri's intimacy with his family.
             Love and Compassion
    • 26 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 6) Monday, London

      During the personal meeting session with Swamishri a mentally challenged boy called Amrut arrived. He was a consumer and promoter of BAPS Amrut Herbal Care ayurvedic products. An interesting dialogue followed.

      When sadhus asked him whether he wished to ask for anything, he replied, "Yes, give me Amrut toothpaste."

      Swamishri smiled at his request. Then Amrut stood on his toes and placed his hands on Swamishri's head. Swamishri and everyone broke out with laughter. Then Amrut said, "Bapa, you are so lucky."

      Again the room was drowned in laughter.

      Swamishri is accessible to all. In the morning when the Air Chief Marshall of Britain came Swamishri met him with honor and respect. Similarly, Swamishri lovingly met Amrut, showering his love and compassion upon him.
             Blessing to Relieve Suffering
    • 28 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 8) Thursday, London

      After his morning rituals, Swamishri came out to go for Thakorji's darshan. By the door was D.C.Patel, a senior youth coordinator. Someone said, "Swamishri, D.C. suffers from severe knee pain." At the time D.C. was standing with folded hands offering his respects to Swamishri. On hearing this, Swamishri went upto D.C. and to the surprise of the latter Swamishri bent down to bless his knees with his hands. D.C. Patel immediately held Swamishri's hands and helped him up.

      Swamishri's compassion and spirit of service to relieve the pain and suffering of devotees is reflected through his actions.
             Sound Advice
    • 29 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 9) Thursday, London

      A devotee youth explained to Swamishri the details of a business he wished to do. Then he asked, "A devotee has asked me to form a partnership with him, but when I talked to him about making it official on a written document he said, 'Where is the need for us to have it documented? Between you and me we have Swamishri, so why worry?'

      Swamishri replied with a word of advice, "As devotees, you are both fine. I bless both of you. However, your partnership must be signed and documented. Then, later, you won't have any problems. You must be clear as to what percentage is yours and his in the business. Do not be unclear in such matters. You must have it on a written document as prescribed in the Shikshapatri."
             Guiding Principle
    • 29 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 9) Thursday, London

      The owner and editor, Kishorebhai Kamdar and Milanbhai respectively, of a weekly magazine for Indians, 'Gujarat Sandesh', came to seek Swamishri's blessings. Swamishri sanctified their magazine before Thakorji and advised, "Alongwith other news include religious news, too. The new generation needs to know of it. Give that which has a good (positive) effect on the lives of Hindu boys. Since you have 'Sandesh' (means News or Message) as part of the magazine's name you also need to give God's message. Do not take advertisements that promote violence. Take such news that inspire values in people."

      Swamishri's message is a guiding principle for all news media. As one who is active in solving the social ills that prevail in our society, Swamishri perfectly guides and advises on all matters of society.
             The Divine Speaks Through Swamishri
    • 29 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 9) Thursday, London

      When Swamishri arrived in the evening assembly Viveksagar Swami was explaining the unique attributes of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. Thereafter the microphone used by Swamishri was arranged for his blessings, but it failed to function. The devotees in the assembly started chanting the holy name of Swaminarayan. A youth, Kishan Makwana, came and arranged another microphone for Swamishri.

      "What have you done?" Swamishri amusingly referred to the situation.

      "I haven't done anything. Your mic has broken down," the youth replied.

      Swamishri replied, "My mic never breaks down. Maharaj, Swami, Shastriji Maharaj and Yogi Bapa speaks through it."

      Swamishri naturally revealed that God and his gurus speak through him.
             Guardian of Sanatan Dharma
    • 30 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 10) Friday, London

      Two youth leaders of the National Hindu Students Forum came to meet Swamishri. They explained their efforts in creating awareness for and fostering Hindu Dharma among Indian college students in England. Swamishri was pleased on hearing of their sincere efforts. He appreciated their services and added, "It is good that you are offering your services for Hindu Dharma but you must follow our moral code of conduct (niyam-dharma). Never take liquor and meat."

      As a guardian of Sanatan Dharma, Swamishri teaches that merely offering services for the preservation of Hindu Dharma is not enough, but it is necessary to follow its ideals to experience a ring of pride and self-joy.
             Happiness in Becoming Addiction-Free
    • 30 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 10) Friday, London

      Mamtora, originally from Malawi, became emotional on meeting Swamishri, "Swami, fifteen years ago I was addicted to alcohol. On meeting you then you lovingly explained to me to give up drinking. Through your blessings and strength I gave up alcohol from that very day. Today I am very happy." Then with folded hands Mamtora prayed, "Bapa, bless me so that I can inspire others to give up addictions."

      Swamishri showered his blessings and expressed his joy upon the devotee and said, "Now that you are happy make others happy like yourself. You will benefit immensely and be blessed with devotion to God in your heart."
             To Increase One's Potential
    • 30 April 2004, (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 10) Friday, London

      An organization called 'Landmark Forum' in London inspires positive attitude in people for progress. The chairman of the organization, Jhony Tenon, came to meet Swamishri. He explained the activities of his organization.

      Swamishri enquired, "Does your organization inspire people to give up addictions?"
      "If a person engages in thinking positively then it can be possible. We make basic efforts to increase the potential in people," replied John.

      Swamishri responded, "A person's potential cannot blossom in that way. The fundamental element for increasing a person's potential is an addiction-free life. If that is the foundation of life then a person can do his duties properly."

      Swamishri contributed a new means to increasing a person's potential.

    To please Bhagwan Swaminarayan and Guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj children, youths and senior devotees perform austerities, pilgrimages or other devotional means. The spiritual endeavors performed by the devotees during Swamishri's visit to the local centers are congratulatory and worthy of recognition. It also reflects Swamishri's divinity for inspiring such spiritual efforts in children, teenagers and devotees.

    19 April 2004, Amdavad

    • 83 children performed prostrations from Nikol to Amdavad Mandir.

    © 2004, Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, Swaminarayan Aksharpith