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A Spiritual Travelogue of Pramukh Swami Maharaj
  1 to 14 May 2004  
London (1 to 14 May 2004)
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  • 12 May 2004, London ( Mp3 1,511 KB)
     Children of BAPS Swaminarayan Sanstha lead the Rath Yatra as part of the Bal Suvarna Jayanti Celebrations
    • 2 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 12) Sunday, London
      At 2 p.m., a grand symbolic Rath Yatra under the auspices of BAPS Golden Anniversary of Children’s Activities was launched from Alperton High School in London. About 6,000 devotees from London, Leicester, Birmingham and other cities participated in the devotional event. Children and youth colorfully dressed for the occasion danced and expressed their devotion and joy in the streets of northwest London. The murtis of Akshar Purushottam Maharaj, Pramukh Swami Maharaj and Lord Jagannath were installed in two decorated floats. The disciplined procession resonated with the singing of dhun by the devotees. The Rath Yatra concluded at 5.30 p.m. at the Neasden Mandir. Then on the mandir grounds Swamishri and the dignitaries, Mayor of Brent Peter Lemmon, Minister of Transport and Aviation Tony Macnulty, M.P. Barry Gardiner, Chairman of Metropolitan Police Authorities Toby Harris and Mayor of London Ken Livingstone released peace pigeons in the air. Children released peace balloons to commemorate the Rath Yatra event.
      Thereafter a celebration assembly was held in the mandir hall. Mayor of Brent Peter Lemmon said, “The community here is giving a message of peace to the larger community through their activities. Brent is the largest multi-faith community…”
      Minister for Transport and Aviation Tony Macnulty said, “I was very happy to be part of this Rath Yatra. It is a very joyous day. Wonderful procession for the whole community of London.”
      The M.P. for Brent Barry Gardiner reminisced, “It was my greatest honor to be in Delhi for breathing of life ceremony of the murtis in the mandir over there. I know yet more temples will be opened by His Holiness in Houston and Chicago. It is the same breath that will give life to the murtis there. The same simplicity and holiness in the murti will give life to the community there as it gives life here.”
      The chairman of the Metropolitan Police Authority Lord Toby Harris said, “Young people are inspired to work for the community, that is a powerful message to all the communities of London.”
      The Mayer of London Ken Livingstone said, “Your Holiness, we met 20 years ago in Alexandra Palace. I had no idea then about the beauty of the building you would create in this city. It has impounded this city with its beauty, and increased the beauty of this city beyond measure. I praise you for the work you’ve done for this city and for peace and for the children whose 50th anniversary we will shortly celebrate.”
      Finally Swamishri crowned the assembly with his blessings, “Today’s festival was celebrated beautifully. Everyone participated by chanting God’s holy name. By celebrating such festivals our spiritual strength, devotion and remembrance of God increases.”

    Swamishri lovingly expalins the importance of Satsang
    • 3 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 13) Monday, London; Young Yuvak Day
      • A special assembly of 400 youths between the ages of 23 and 35 was held in the mandir hall in the morning. The theme of the assembly was ‘Pride for Satsang’. Viveksagar Swami addressed the youths about the glory of Shri Harikrishna Maharaj. Finally Swamishri blessed the youths explaining about having pride for one’s family, country and Satsang. In conclusion the youths honored Shri Harikrishna Maharaj.
      • In the evening assembly the youths performed a drama ‘Be a Proud Satsangi’. The assembly was capped with Swamishri’s blessings.
    Swamishri in spectacular mood during the eclipse sabha
    • 4 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 15) Tuesday, London
      Swamishri observed the lunar eclipse from 7.45 p.m. to 4.15 p.m. During the program of dhun and bhajans Swamishri said the rosary. Thereafter Viveksagar Swami talked about the eclipse from the Indian scriptural perspective. Finally Swamishri blessed the assembly and after the lunar eclipse Swamishri bathed and performed his personal puja. 

    Swamishri performs murti-pratishtha arti


    A young child shows his love for Swamishri

    • 7 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh vad 3) Friday, London; Children’s Day
      • At 11.00 p.m. Swamishri performed the murti-pratishtha rituals of Shri Akshar Purushottam Maharaj, Shri Radha Krishna Dev, Guru Parampara, Shri Hanumanji and Shri Ganapatiji for the hari mandir in Southend-on-Sea. A beautiful annakut was arranged before the deities and thereafter Swamishri performed the pratishtha arti. The event concluded with Swamishri’ s blessings.
      • At 6.30 p.m. the Children’s Day assembly commenced on the theme of ‘Guru Bhakti’. The volunteers of BAPS Children’s activities performed a drama ‘Andehri nagari and gandu raja.’ A slide show on Yogiji Maharaj was screened. Then a dance on the kirtan ‘Ho Swami Guruhari chho tame’ was performed by children. After every verse of the bhajan personal incidents were narrated by children with reference to Swamishri as a friend, inspirer and consolidator of niyam-dharma and devotion.
        Finally Swamishri blessed the assembly.
    Swamishri performs the murti-pratishta rituals
    • 9 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh vad 5) Sunday, Luton, London
      At 9.30 a.m. Swamishri arrived at the BAPS Swaminarayan Mandir in Luton to perform the murti-pratishtha rituals. With the commencement of Vedic rituals Swamishri performed the pratishtha of Shri Akshar Purushottam Maharaj, Shri Radha Krishna Dev, Guru Parampara, Shri Hanumanji and Shri Ganapatiji. After the annakut was arranged, Swamishri performed the pratishtha arti.
      During the pratishtha assembly Viveksagar Swami explained the importance of mandirs in society. Then Lord Navnit Dholakiya, president of the Liberal Democratic Party, addressed the assembly, “By giving over 500 mandirs to us Swamishri has given us our religion. Today we find that because of religion there are wars and killings, whereas in our Hindu mandirs we hear the words Om Shantihi, Shantihi, Shantihi.”
      The Mayor of Luton Councillor Michael Dolling said, “This is an occasion that I shall treasure for the rest of my life. You do Luton a very great service by establishing a mandir in our town. The Hindus of the town are a very valuable asset and contribute greatly to the cultural and social life of the area.
      “Your work throughout the rest of the world is well known providing spiritual and social care for millions of people. Your residential homes for the elderly, your fundraising for natural disasters such as famines or earthquakes is without equal. Not only that, you run anti-addiction drives and build hospitals and shelters in poorer countries. This work is on top of making young people aware of their social responsibilities together with training, education and good parenting skills.”
      Finally Swamishri blessed the assembly, “Through this mandir people will be blessed with good impressions (sanskars). Mandir is a place that stills the mind, because God is still; and one who is still can give stillness to others. The world is unstable. God is stable so He controls and keeps countless universes stable. The mandir is a place that stills the mind because by offering devotion to God, praying to Him, seeing Him and listening to His glory one is blessed with divine virtues.”
      The pratishtha assembly was attended by 1500 devotees.
           Key to Success
    • 30 April 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 10) Friday, London

      Chandrakantbhai Pujara, a devotee, came with a few of his relatives for Swamishri’s darshan and blessings. Pointing to Amitkumar he said, “Bapa, he is studying Political Science.”

      “I desire to do good for the world,” said Amit.

      Swamishri responded with appreciation, “Very good. To do good for our world is fine, but for that you should pray to God daily. Then God will join you in fulfilling your wish. And secondly, you should live a pure, moral life. Despite pursuing the political field you should remain steadfast in obeying God’s laws. Be a vegetarian. Wherever you go never indulge in any form of addiction. If you follow this, then God will be with you and you will get success in all ways.”

      Swamishri gave the youth the formula of success.
             Love and Patience
    • 2 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 12) Sunday, London

      Swamishri was absorbed in reading a letter. At that time a little boy called Hari entered. He went upto Swamishri and said, “Swami, I’d like to tell you a story.” Though the boy was disturbing Swamishri’s work, Swamishri did not displease him. “Why one, tell me two,” Swamishri replied. Then Swamishri placed his spectacles and the letter on one side and gave his undivided attention to the boy. Hari could just about manage to talk in Gujarati. The only two Gujarati words that could be understood in his story were ‘Bhagatji Maharaj’ and ‘churma’ (sweetened baked flour). Hari narrated the incident of Bhagatji Maharaj eating the baked flour in his childhood.

      Swamishri understood the story from two words spoken by the boy. Swamishri listened to Hari’s story with rapt attention till he finished speaking. Then Swamishri called him closer and remarked that he should also do likewise and then hide away. Swamishri’s love and patience encouraged the child and made him happy.
    • 3 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh sud 13) Monday, London

      “Do you eat and drink?” Swamishri asked a youth in Gujarati.

      “What?” the Gujarati youth, not knowing the language, asked.

      “Are you vegetarian?” Swamishri asked in English.

      “Occasionally I take meat.”

      The dialogue continued with the help of a translator.

      “If someone were to beat you, wouldn’t your parents be hurt? And if someone were to hurt your parents, wouldn’t you be pained? Animals also love their children. To be compassionate is the duty of a human being. And secondly, cows, buffaloes and oxen offer so much service to us. How would it be to kill those that serve us!” Swamishri’s words touched the youth.

      “What do you feel?” Swamishri asked.

      “You are right,” the youth agreed.

      “Take a pledge today that you will be a vegetarian.”

      “My mother is vegetarian, my sister is vegetarian. So there won’t be a problem. Now I’ll be a vegetarian,” the boy pledged.

      Swamishri blessed the youth.
    • 8 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh vad 4) Saturday, London

      Ramnikbhai Solanki, the owner and editor of a weekly magazine for Gujaratis, Garvi Gujarat, interviewed Swamishri during his meeting at the Swaminarayan Mandir in Neasden. An extract of that interview is as follows:
      Q: What are your sentiments behind building mandirs?
      Swamishri: To promote religious feelings and values in people. In Indian culture our values have been preserved through mandirs. As per our tradition from the Vedic period our sages lived in caves, which they had transformed into mandirs. Ever since, mandirs have flourished. If there is a mandir one’s faith grows. By going there one’s religious impressions (sanskars) increase. You can see that if there is a mandir a child grows morally and spiritually. And when he comes with you to the mandir for darshan he too acquires sanskars that you have. Through mandirs our sanskars, religious feelings and faith in God increase.

      Q: You travel throughout the world. Do you have an attraction for any one city or place? And why?
      Swamishri: My attraction is for God and guru. It was the guru’s command that I go everywhere, hence there is no attraction elsewhere. I travel and please the devotees and people through spiritual discourses. Through this their glory for God increases and values in their lives are consolidated.

      Q: Whenever you reflect do you ever feel like telling something to God?
      Swamishri: I wish before God that people tread the path of dharma. It is the principle of Bhagwan Swaminarayan and all religions that man should become moral and live a pure life.

      Q: Can we consider you as the head of Hindu Dharma?
      Swamishri: God is the head. I work as a servant, doing things according to His instructions.

      Q: What is your vision for the future?
      Swamishri: It would be good if there is a rise in values in people’s lives. I desire for religious feelings to flourish. May the lack of peace and conflicts diminish. Only if there is a rise in dharma and faith in God will there be peace. Otherwise, peace cannot be got through money and power.

      Q: Westerners are looking to the East. What is it that is attracting them to our religion and ideals?
      Swamishri: The principles given by Bhagwan Swaminarayan are very good. And because of this the sadhus’ lives are pure and the devotees morals and spiritual lives are inspiring and worthy of emulation. Because of this the Westerners are attracted to the East.

      Q: Why are our Indian youths and other religious people attracted to the Swaminarayan Sampraday?
      Swamishri: The principles of Bhagwan Swaminarayan are such that a person is naturally attracted to this Sampraday. Secondly, the pure lives of sadhus and devotees are another cause of attraction. The principles of this Sampraday are such that people are inspired to live an addiction-free life, imbibe character and increase their religious feelings. There is no criticism for anyone, but only sentiments of imbibing principles in life and fostering love for each other. This is why people are attracted here.

             Blessings For Passing In Life
    • 11 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh vad 8) Tuesday, London

      Two satsangi schoolboys, Mayur and Kirtan, prayed to Swamishri, “Swami, bless us so that we may pass in our exams.” Swamishri placed his hands on their heads and replied, “Be a good devotee while you grow up. Study properly. Don’t get spoilt after growing up. Do puja, rosary, tilak-chandlo daily and come to the mandir regularly.”

      Swamishri blessed them to pass in their life.
             Satsang Attitude
    • 12 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh vad 9) Wednesday, London

      Ashokbhai, a new devotee, has firm faith in Satsang. Swamishri blessed him with words of wisdom, “Since you are offering your services here Maharaj will bless you and make you happier physically, mentally and financially. In Satsang one should have a vision of glory for all. Since there is a mass following here someone may tell you off but do not take it to heart. Always keep your focus on God and His Sadhu. One comes here for liberation; otherwise one has physical comforts at home. Do not think of the discomforts here or the fact that someone receives you or not. When you come to the Mandir, do darshan and sit down to listen to discourses. Understand the greatness of all sadhus and devotees.” Then Swamishri narrated the greatness of Parvatbhai in the time of Bhagwan Swaminarayan. “Like Parvatbhai if you are not welcomed or looked after then don’t let your mind fall back from Satsang. Do seva and don’t be overcome by ego.”

      Swamishri shed light on how a devotee should walk the path of satsang.
             Ideal Way of Doing Satsang
    • 12 May 2004 (V.S. 2060, Vaishakh vad 9) Wednesday, London

      Two devotees asked Swamishri to write his blessings in their diary. Swamishri wrote, “May your satsang remain firm. May you have the habit of following niyam-dharma and agna-upasana, having glory and pure feelings (for all) and an inclination towards listening to discourses and doing bhajan. To dissolve one’s base nature one should look at one’s faults. Be vigilant that one never falls from satsang and find faults in it. Remain in satsang with the spirit of humility and servitude. Perform seva with a feeling of glory. On understanding the glory and divinity of all one will experience peace and happiness. Maharaj will be graceful.”

      Swamishri prescribed the elements for progress and happiness in satsang.
    • No matter how much advancement we have made in science, but we cannot achieve what God has done. He has created humans, animals and birds and made arrangements for their sustenance. If we understand this glory of His then we would not have arrogance and pride. (30 April 2004, London)
    • Mandir is the birthplace of virtues. By going` there one gets inspiration and peace.
    • The highest position for a satsangi in the mandir is to offer devotion and do satsang as a humble servant of God. (3 May 2004, London)
    • Because of spiritual discourses you are emboldened. If there were no discourses then the sense pleasures would drag you away, gamblers would drag you away, drinkers would drag you away and you would be tainted by kusang. (4 May 2004, London)

    © 2004, Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha, Swaminarayan Aksharpith