19 December 2009, Mahelav
Perhaps this evening’s 26 minutes summarize Swamishri’s life and love; a life of determined devotion and profound love for his guru, Shastriji Maharaj. The following is a minute-by-minute account of what happened on his arrival in Mahelav, the birthplace of Shastriji Maharaj. It may just help us to re-evaluate ourselves in the way we love our guru.
6.55p.m.: Nothing unusual, except…
The day had darkened quickly. There was nothing unusual about this winter evening, except that what followed was unplanned, unscheduled and totally unpredicted. Earlier, it had been discussed and decided that Swamishri would proceed straight to the main mandir on his arrival in Mehalav, and visit the birthplace of Shastriji Maharaj a day later. The reason for this was that it would be past sunset on Swami’s arrival, and the village roads were under repairs. So, it would be impossible for his car to go ahead.
However, when Swamishri’s car reached the outskirts of Mahelav, what unfolded was totally unexpected. Hundreds of devotees were waiting at the main Mandir gate to honor and welcome Swamishri; but Swamishri wanted to honor his guru. He expressed his desire to visit Shastriji Maharaj’s birthplace, which was in the heart of the village. Under the adverse circumstances the car could not be driven all the way there. And, on the other hand, Swamishri, at almost 90 years of age, was physically unable to walk all the way.
7.00 p.m.: A tortuous trail…
What occurred subsequently was holy chaos. The car had to be stopped at the village square. The narrow lanes were dark, dug and uneven. A wave of devotees were running ahead in devotional excitement; bumping, nudging and overtaking each other. News spread like wildfire. Curious villagers crowded the alleys, doors and windows. Swamishri’s wheelchair was readied. But the path ahead was uneven, broken and multi-leveled. The attendant sadhus looked confused and hesitant. Of course, they were more than happy to carry the wheelchair, but it would be both bumpy and risky, and the path was tortuous and dark. Yet Swamishri’s determination to reach his guru’s birthplace was the only light that lit the path.