He Placed His Head Between The Cow's Horns
In a village there lived a man named moti patel. He would awake
at six o'clock every morning and brush his teeth with a datan
stick while sitting on a stone seat in front of his yard. Every
morning at that same time a cow would come and sit there and
chew cud. The cow's horns were nicely rounded and Motibhai would
think to himself everyday, ''My head would fit snugly between
the two horns!'' He so began to promise himself everyday, ''I'll
fit my head in today or tomorrow.''
In this way six
months passed. Then one day he made up his mind. ''I'll definitely
fit my head between those beautiful horns today.'' After he
finished cleaning his teeth he stood up and went to the cow.
He put his head between the cow's horns. It fit snugly. But
the cow jumped up in fright and ran. Motibhai was pulled along.
''Help! Help! Help!'' he screamed. The village people caught
the cow and pulled Motibhai's head free. They scolded the battered
and bruised Patel. ''Motibhai, why didn't you stop to think
before doing this?'' Motibhai replied, ''After six months of
serious thought I put my head between those horns!'' Motibhai
broke his arms and legs. He got better after two long months.
This is just a story. The principle to be understood is that
Motibhai thought for six months before fitting his head between
the cow's horns. But the thought itself was wrong. To achieve
salvation one should think only positive thoughts. And only
then will we one day achieve our goal.

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