Swaminarayan Mandir (BAPS)
Bochasan , via. Anand,
Borsad, Dt.
Gujarat, INDIA - 388140
Tel: (02696) 286626, 286684, 286130, 99989 91100
Fax: (02696) 286685
Bochasan is a village in the Kheda District of Gujarat.
By Shastriji Maharaj in 5 June 1907.
1st shrine - Shri Harikrishna Maharaj, Lakshami-Narayan Dev.
2nd shrine - Akshar Pursuhottam Maharaj
3rd shrine - Shri Ghanshyam Maharaj
In total, Lord Swaminarayan visited Bochasan 32 times. The
bullock-cart that Kashidas used to take Him around is presently
displayed in the Akshardham prasadi mandapam in Gandhinagar.
The Akshar Bhuvan on the ground floor of the mandir houses
the images of Shastriji Maharaj and Yogiji Maharaj. Holy relics
of Lord Swaminarayan and the Guru parampara are also presented
here. Outside the mandir complex is the village pond and the
small shrine of Hanumanji where Neelkanth Varni stayed the
night on his first visit here.
In the village
there is Kashidas's house and the Ramji Temple.
Lord Swaminarayan first came to Bochasan as Neelkanth Varni
in 1799. At the village Ramji Mandir, He offered arti to the
images of Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita. He was received by
a villager, Kashidas Mota, who requested the Lord to stay
in his village. Neelkanth replied: "In future, I will stay
here forever with my choicest devotee"
Lord Swaminarayan
repeated the promise to Kashidas in Karyani in 1809 and again
in Vadtal in 1816: "We want to build a mandir in your village."
At the installation
of the images of Nara-Narayana in Amdavad in 1822, Lord Swaminarayan
showed Kashidas the images and explained to him: "These images
will also be installed in your village, albeit under a different
Prior to installation
in the mandir at Vadtal in 1824, the images of Lakshmi-Narayana
were kept in Kashidas's house for safe-keeping, for six months.
When the time came to collect the images, Kashidas requested
Lord Swaminarayan to install them in Bochasan. The Lord replied:
"These are for Vadtal. At your place, a grand mandir will
be built where I will reside along with My eternal abode."
Shastriji Maharaj left Vadtal in 1905. Five months later,
during the festival of Fuldol in Anand, the devotees loyal
to the Akshar Purushottam tradition requested him to build
a mandir. Well aware of Lord Swaminarayan's promise to Kashidas,
Shastriji Maharaj decided to constdruct the first Akshar Purushottam
mandir in Bochasan.
Saints and devotees
physically gave their all to serve in the construction work
and within a mere six months, the image installation ceremony
took place. At the time of the installation, the devotees
were unable to lift the image of Gunatitanand Swami, despite
it being lighter than the image of Lord Swaminarayan. Shastriji
Maharaj prayed before the images: "It is only for you, Swami,
that we endured countless hardships before leaving Vadtal.
Therefore, please kindly grace your seat in the mandir." So
saying, Shastriji Maharaj slid a wedge under the image which
was then lifted with ease by the deovtees.
It was the first
time that the images of Akshar Purushottam were installed
in the central shrine of a pinnacled mandir. The philosophy
which was previously being discussed secretly in a few corners
in Vadtal and Junagadh began to resound in Bochasan. People
began to openly talk about the glory of Akshar and Purushottam.
The festivals of Guru Poonam (July) and Kartik Poonam (November)
are celebrated here annually in the presence of Pramukh Swami