Swami Maharaj's Achievements and Activities
1 January - 31 December, 2006
Non-stop vicharan, murti pratishthas, inaugurations, meeting
dignitaries, daily satsang and public assemblies, satsang
shibirs and much much more... all this, in addition to his
daily routine of counselling thousands of devotees personally,
by letter and by phone. Despite a year interspersed by frequent
bouts of illness, Swamishri's annual record, summarised below,
reveals just how activity-packed his schedule has been. |
Total Places Visited: 30
Figures in brackets indicate the number of visits to
that place.
Amdavad (3), Anand (2), Atladra (2), Bangalore, Bhadra,
Bharuch, Bhavnagar, Bhimpor, Bochasan (3), Botad, Chennai,
Dangra, Gadhada, Gandhinagar (2), Gondal, Junagadh, Kiri,
London, Mahelav, Mumbai (2), Nadiad, Narsanda, Navsari,
New Delhi, Piplata, Rajkot, Sarangpur, Surat, Tithal, Vidyangar.
Places listed in square brackets indicate the place at which
Swamishri performed the murti-pratishtha of the murtis for
the preceding places; figures in round brackets indicate
day and month.
Shikharbaddh – Total: 2
(3/5); Bhavnagar
Hari Mandirs & Kutir Mandirs – Total: 42
Pandesara [Surat] (1/1); Sarol, Tichkiya [Surat] (7/1);
Andheri [Mumbai] (25/1); Pij, Kukvad, Alaarsa, Alindra,
Narsanda [Bochasan] (17/2); Aklacha [Nadiad] (28/2); Nashville,
Parsippany, USA [Amdavad] (12/3); Deesa, Visnagar [Sarangpur]
(9/4); Kathlal [Sarangpur] (11/4); Borifaliya-Onjal [Navsari]
(26/5); Bhinar, Mahudi [Navsari, Kosamba (Tithal)] (30/5);
Rohina – Beda Faliya, Vankacch, Raabdi, Nana Vaghchhipa,
Ugta – Panva, Kharedi, Mankadban, Kurgam – Tumbi,
Tadfaliya – Pardi, Bhutsar [Kosamba (Tithal)] (4/6);
Mahesana [Amdavad] (3/7); Krushnankarani, Villianur [Chennai]
(29/8); Barsol [Atladra] (31/8); Gana, Valasan, Khambholaj,
Napad, Kharkuva, Bakrol, Uttarsanda, Bharoda, Isanpur (Amdavad),
Ranip (Amdavad) [Bochasan] (26/11).
Special – Total:
Ghanshyam Maharaj murti, Mumbai (25/1), Ghanshyam Maharaj,
Nilkanth Varni Abhishek murti and Guru Prampara, Atladra
(3/2), Bhagwan Swaminarayan Abhishek murti, Amdavad (3/7),
Akshar-Purushottam Maharaj, Nilkanth Varni Abhishek murti,
Guru Prampara, Bochasan (27/11).
- Uttarayan, Mumbai (14/1).
- Pragji Bhakta Jayanti,
Sarangpur (14/3).
- Fuldol
Festival, Sarangpur (15/3).
- Shri
Hari Jayanti, Sarangpur (6/4).
- Silver Jubilee Celebration
of Yagnapurush Smruti Mandir, Sarangpur (13/4).
- Rath
Yatra, Amdavad (27/6).
- Yogiji Maharaj Jayanti,
Bhavnagar (24/5).
- Guru
Purnima, Bochasan (11/7).
- Raksha
Bandhan, Atladra (9/8).
- Janmashtmi,
Atladra (16/8).
- Jal
Jhilani festival, New Delhi (4/9).
- Sharad
Punam, Mumbai (7/10).
- Diwali,
London (21-23/10).
- Yagna
for World Peace, Atladra (2/2).
- Foundation-stone
laying ceremony for guru shikhars, Bochasan (16/2).
- Yagna
for World Peace, Junagadh (2/5).
- Prasad
Pravesh, Bhavnagar (17/5).
- Yagna
for World Peace, Bhavnagar (18/5).
- Inauguration
of BAPS Vidyamandir, Pardi-Panera, Kosamba (Tithal)
- Opening
of BAPS Vidyamandir, Raisan, Amdavad (28/6).
- Foundation-stone
laying rituals for research centre at Shankar Netralayam,
Chennai (27/8).
- Patotsav,
Gandhinagar (23/11).
- Yagna
for World Peace, Bochasan (26/11).
- Memorial
shrine on banks of pond sanctified by Nilkanth Varni,
Bochasan (30/11, 6/12).
- Patotsav,
Anand (7/12).
- Inauguration
of Pramukh Mahol, Anand (9/12).
- Satsang
Pravrutti Divya Sannidhi Parva, Gadhada (10-13/4).
- Meeting
with H.H. Balgangadharnathji, Bangalore (19/8).
- Meetings
with the mahant of Pejavar Math, HH Swami Vishveshtirthji,
Bangalore (22/8).
- Felicitation
by Gujarati organizations, Chennai (31/8).
- Meetings
with former Deputy Prime Minister of India Shri Lalkrishna
Advani and Shri L.M.Singhvi, former ambassador of India
to the UK, New Delhi (2/9).
- Meetings
with the Vice-President of India, H.E. Shri Bhaironsingh
Shekhawat, and former Prime Minister of India, Shri
Deve Gowda, New Delhi (3/9).
- Meeting
with the Governor of Himachal Pradesh, H.E. Kokje, New
Delhi (4/9).
- Meeting
with the Chief Minister of Haryana Shri Bhupendrasinh
Hooda, New Delhi (5/9).
- Meeting
with Head of Ramanujacharya Sect, Pujya Chinna Jeer
Swami, New Delhi (9/9).
- Meeting
with the President of India, H.E. APJ Abdul Kalam, New
Delhi (11/9).
- Meeting
with the former Prime Minister of India, Shri Atalbihari
Vajpayee, New Delhi (12/9).
BAPS Worldwide Activities, 2006
Activities performed by Pramukh Swami Maharaj, senior sadhus and
BAPS volunteers
Mandir Murti-Pratishtha: Tampa (3/4), Indianapolis (10/9).
Education Fairs: Houston (28/1).
Medicare Education Seminar, Philadelphia (26/2).
Bal Sevak Training in New York (3/3).
Medical Fairs: Houston,
(1/4), Chicago,
Angeles, (9/4), Cleveland,
(30/4), Washington
(14/5), Clifton,
(17/9), Edison,
(8/10), Columbus,
(28/10), Savannah, (26/11), Toronto,
Canada, San
Jose, (2/12).
Health Fair: Chicago
(9/4), Cleveland
(30/4), Washington
DC (14/5), Clifton
(17/9), Boston
(8/10), Edison
(8/10), Columbus
(28/10), Savannah (26/11), San
Jose (2/12), Toronto,
Canada (2/12).
Regional Karyakar Conventions: Bal: Columbus (5-7/5),
Pocono (14-17/4), Atlanta (14-16/4), Dallas (1-3/9);
Sanyukta: Jersey City (22/4), Toronto, (29/4), Houston
(29-30/4), Los Angeles (6-7/5), San Jose (13/5), Detroit
(13-14/5), Dallas (13-14/5), Chicago (20-21/5), Orlando
(20-21/5), Washington (27-28/5).
Regional Shibirs: Bal: Toronto (25-27/8); Bal/Balika:
Perry (13-16/7), Houston (27-30/7), Portland (26-30/7),
Chicago (18-20/8), St. Louis (11-13/8), Ellenville (29/7-6/8);
Kishore/Kishori: Houston (9-11/6); Norcross (14-16/6);
Chicago (23-25/6); Los Angeles (3-6/8); Toronto (11-13/8);
Cherry Hill (17-20/8); Yuvak/Yuvati: Tampa (2-4/6),
Edison (9-11/6), Chicago (23-25/6), Houston (16-18/7),
Los Angeles (3-6/8), Toronto (18-20/8); Sanyukta: Dallas
(2-3/6), Boston, San Jose, (9-11/6), Toronto, Portland,
(16-18/6), Los Angeles (23-25/6), Houston (30/6-2/7),
Cherry Hill, Jackson (7-9/7), Perry (14-16/7), Washington,
Detroit, (21-23/7), New York (4-6/8), St. Louis, Clifton
(11-13/8), Chicago, Edison (18-20/8), Tampa (25-27/8).
Walkathons: Chicago (30/7), Boston, Dallas (9/9), Edison
(10/9), Detroit, Fresno (16/9), Minneapolis, Jersey
City, New York (17/9), Portland, Atlanta, Raleigh (23/9),
St. Louis (24/9), Indianapolis, Cherry Hill, Philadelphia
(24/9), Clifton, Washington (1/10), San Jose (7/10),
Cleveland, Houston (8/10), Los Angeles, Toronto (10/10),
San Francisco (15/10), Miami (4/11).
Bone Marrow Drives: San
Jose (16/4), Chicago,
Detroit, Boston, Cherry Hill, Clifton, Edison, Jersey
City, New York, Philadelphia, Washington DC, Atlanta,
Miami, Orlando, Raleigh, Tampa, Dallas, Houston, Los
Angeles, San Jose (27/8), Charlotte (3/9), San Francisco
(10/9), Fresno (24/9).
Bhumidan Mahayagna, Los Angeles (16/9).
National Akhand Dhun in Wellingborough (1/1).
National Bal-Balika Karyakar Shibir, London (21-22/1).
Communication in the Family Seminar, London (18/2).
Matrudevo Bhava celebrations, London & Leicester
Education Booster classes, London (March-April).
National Kishori Shibir, London (14/4).
Karyakar Training Seminars, London (22/4-29/4).
First ever Sant Vicharan to Moscow, Russia (18/5).
Sanyukta Mandal Shibir, Birmingham (23/7).
6th Annual Summer Training Camp, London (23-30/7).
Adhiveshan Awards Ceremony, London (3/9)
Children Raise Money for BBC 'Children in Need' Charity,
London (17/11).
Care International Raises Money for BBC's 'Children in
Need' Charity, London (12/11).
- Vidyarthi
Shibir, London (15-17/12).
- National
BAPS Mahila Shibir, London. (16/12).
- Winter
Training Camp, London (23-27/12).
- National
Kishore-Kishori Vidyarthi Shibir, London (28-30/12).
- New Year’s
Eve Get-together, London (31/12).