That which continually changes and does not remain still is 'sansar'. The great sages and shastras have described sansar as a dream to emphasize its temporary and perishable nature. In this dream many waves of misconceptions and illusions arise, drowning one in the ocean of sansar.
This excellent book by Viveksagar Swami, reveals the spiritual wisdom that will enable one to sail across te ocean of sansar and reach the shores of the highest state of spirituality.
Author: Sadhu Viveksagardas
ISBN: 978-81-7526-480-9
1st Edition: March 2011
Language: Gujarati
Pages: 139
by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Ahmedabad - 4, INDIA.
Copyright: ©
2011, Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
Available at all BAPS centers in India,
UK, USA, Australia & E. Africa.
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