Sadhna (Uttarardh)
The fifth and final part of this
comprehensive analysis of the core teachings of Bhagwan Swaminarayan
revealed by Him in the Vachanamrut.
This part describes the obstacles encountered by spiritual seekers
on their spiritual path, the qualities to progress on this path
and the absolutely indispensible necessity of the God-realized
Sadhu to guide seekers on this path.
Author: Sadhu Brahmadarshandas
1st Edition: March 2005
Language: Gujarati
ISBN: 81-7526-287-7
Pages: 618
Published by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA.
March 2005.
Copyright: ©
2005, Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
Available at all BAPS centers in India,
UK, USA, Australia & E. Africa.