Since Vedic times, many devout women devotees have graced the sacred land of Bharat (India). Women devotees such as Gargi, Maitreyi, Andal, Mirabai and countless others have illuminated India by their inspiring lives of spirituality.
Continuing this tradition, the seemingly simple, rual and little-educated women devotees of Bhagwan Swaminarayan lived lives full of devotion, faith service, wisdom and other inspiring virtues.
Their great lives are beacons to women of all eras that such spiritually is an attainable reality.
This series of books describes the lives of some of the outstanding women devotees from the time of Bhagwan Swaminarayan.
1. Jivuba of Gadhpur
2. Ratanbai of Gagodar
3. Ratanbai of Bamroli
4. Mulima of Ghanla
5. Naniba of Bochasan
6. Rajba of Vakiya
7. Sujanba of Adaraj
8. Keshba of Devdiya
9. Lakhubai of Lodhava
10. Panchubai of Jnagadha
11. Vakhatba of vahelal
12. Janbai of Pithalpur
13. Rambai of Jetpur
14. Ratanba of Varjang Jadiya
15. Rajbai of Ambali
16. Gangabai of Chuda
17. Devuben of Kadu
18. Rupbai of Golida
19. Lilabai of Bhayavadar
20. Rudibai of Limli
21. Chandaba of Bhesjad
22. Sonbai of Landhnoj
23. Lakhibai of Kovaiya
24. Avalbai of Gaf
Author: Sadhu Aksharjivandas
ISBN: 978-81-7526-493-9
1st Edition: March 2011
Language: Gujarati
Pages: 140
by: Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Ahmedabad - 4, INDIA.
Copyright: ©
2011, Swaminarayan Aksharpith.
Available at all BAPS centers in India,
UK, USA, Australia & E. Africa.
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