Vachanamrut, the divine nectar of Bhagwan
Swaminarayaan, is the most sacred text of the Swaminarayan Sampraday.
The 'Vachanamrut Handbook 'acts as an exciting guide and companion
to its study. with the aid of maps, charts, paintings and sketchs,
the Handbook enlightens readers about Bhagwan Swaminarayan's teachings
and therein, His glory too.
This second edition of the 'Vachanamrut Handbook' has been expanded
to include new topics and more details on existing topics.
T his edition also features 63 illustrations, 24 color plate and a
large pull-out map of Nilkanth Varni's pilgrimage of India.
This book is ideal for background information on all aspects of the
Vachanamrut. It is a throughly researched and well presented publication.
Pages: 304
Author: Sadhu Mukundcharandas
ISBN: 81-7526-263-X
Second Edition: July 2007
Published by:
Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA., June 2004
Copyright: ©
2004 Swaminarayan Aksharpith, Amdavad - 4, INDIA.
Available at all BAPS centers in India, UK,
USA, Australia & E. Africa.