In each of our lives, there are
moments of pleasure and pain, happiness and sadness that mold
our thoughts and behavior. They affect our personalities and
our actions and these together shape us into the people that
we now are.
But every now and again, we experience
moments so profound, and of such majesty that they pierce our
each and every pore.These are moments that shake our very foundations,
transforming our lives into something unrecognizable from its
former self.
At the Family Shibir 2000 held
at Nottinggham University, we were part of an experience so
unique that those that attended will fail to find the words
to describe it.
It was a time when the divine met
the earthly; and they played together with the innocence of
children under a canopy permeated with laughter and joy.
Pramukh Swami Maharaj touched each
of us, and with the selfless love of a father, showed us how
to unite and rejoice.
As the theme of the Shibir 'Aap
Rijo Em Raaji' became a part of us, and as the puppeteer commands
his puppet, we became one.