The uniqueness of the BAPS faith lies in its belief in religion
that aims at the earth, not just at the skies.
Bhagwan Swaminarayan
actively propagated social reforms in India more than two centuries
ago, and that tradition has been carried on by his spiritual successors.
Today, Pramukh Swami Maharaj, the spiritual head of BAPS Swaminarayan
Sanstha, personally examines the details of socially beneficial
projects and activities.
From recycling millions
of cans in London to recharging wells in rural India; From campaigning
against harmful addictions to providing pure herbal medicines;
From building and maintaining beautiful permanent structures such
as the famous Swaminarayan Hindu Mandir (London) to setting up
large platforms for single-day conventions; From organizing cultural
festivals attended by millions to inspiring individuals to lead
a morally pure life; from providing free education to giving extensive
career guidance... BAPS believes that social change can come only
if people join in and contribute voluntary effort towards removing
society's ills.
All of the activities
detailed in this site are but small examples of the vast contribution
the organization is making in all spheres of life - moral, spiritual,
cultural, educational, environmental and social, all over the