person struggles through
live. For some the trials are
overpowering, for others a bored
status quo prevails,and
for a minority mountains are
pounded to dust in
the search for meaning and joy.
Within the invisible depths of
each soul there is a yearning.
A need to know Why?.
Why do we live?,
Why do we experience problems?,
Why are we travellers on the
journey of life?.
In the search for answers to
their uncertainties many turn to
the God-realised Saint.
On The Journey Of Life |
Of The Faith... |
For thousands of years in Indian culture there has been the tradition
of surrendering ones self to the guru. Even in todays
modern society the tradition still lives. One can see young graduates
renouncing the world to became sadhus for a place at Swamishris
feet. To them he is everything. Through his teachings and inspirations
they become the next generation of knights, albeit gentle, of the
faith, defending and sustaining the ancient culture and spirituallity
of India against the evils of todays materialistic society.
Bliss |
During a special convention
for the sadhus of Amdavad temple... |
Sadhu : We learn from the scriptures and by our experiences in life
that the bliss of God is greater than the pleasures of this world.
However we are still attached to them; how can we stop this?
Swamishri : Despite being aware of their deficiency we are still
attracted to them because our conviction of their deficiency is
not total. We know that poison is deadly. So we never feel like
taking it. If we have a similar conviction here we will never be
attracted to them. If we want redemption then... Vishayan
vishavat tyajet... - Pleasures of the world should be discarded
as poison is discarded.
Though we say this now, we still feel like enjoying them. Even though
we have met God and a God-like Saint we dont experience any
peace. Why?
(1) We have a passion for the sensual pleasures. This stems from
a desire in our soul. When we become miserable we feel that such
passion is wrong but deep down we dont believe it.
(2) We become agitated because of our ignorance.
(3) By not following the commands of the Satpurush we experience
To control our mind we have to strengthen the belief in our soul.
The more Sant samagam we do, the firmer it becomes. We develop allergy
towards such worldy pleasures.
However, what we say and know is what we have read and heard; it
is only acquired knowledge, not seasoned knowledge. If we become
averse to all forms of pleasures, automatically our mind will turn
away from them.
First we must realise that this world consists of nothing but pain
and misery; it is false. Secondly, God is eternal and true. We havent
understood this. When we study we dont acquire knowledge all
at once, but the further we study the more we learn. Similarly,
by doing more Satsang we develop more conviction.