After staying for some days in Rajkot, Swami Krishnacharandasji and his group of sadhus resumed their tour of the villages. In the course of their tour they visited Hajdiyala near Sardhar. There was no Swaminarayan mandir in the village, and therefore the sadhus rested at the community hall of the village.
It was afternoon. The sadhus, following the afternoon sermon, retired for a short rest. Jina Bhagat, after completing his duties also lay down for some rest. A Rajput devotee, who was an expert in astrology and palmistry, was struck with wonder when he saw the soles of Jina Bhagat’s feet. He had never seen such extraordinary lines on the feet of any sadhu before.
Thus, when Jina Bhagat got up and welcomed him, the Rajput devotee exclaimed, “O Jina Bhagat! You will be a great sadhu one day. People in their thousands will follow you. They will pray to you to earn your favour and blessings. Shriji Maharaj will be your constant companion. There are urdhvarekhas on your soles. Holy men with urdhvarekhas are extremely rare. They are the sacred signs possessed by a sadhu who has a constant rapport with God.”
On hearing these words, Jina Bhagat at once covered his feet and said, “Don’t talk like that. I am just a servant. Krishnacharandas Swami is a great sadhu. Please never speak about this to anybody.”
But the devotee could not remain silent. He at once disclosed his thoughts to Krishnacharandas Swami. Swamiji smilingly said, “Yes, he possesses all the qualities of a great sadhu.”