The King of Mengni was a great devotee of God. At his request, Krishnacharandas Swami visited Mengni every year to celebrate the Annakut festival.
One year, however, the King of Lodhika invited Swamiji to celebrate Annakut in Lodhika. The king was also a staunch devotee. He provided all the raw materials for the celebrations. From morning till evening, the sadhus and parshads devoutly prepared the various sweet and savoury delicacies for the festival. When the day of Annakut arrived, a grand festival was held. The delicacies were first offered to God. At the king’s order a meal with sata and jalebi were ready to be served to everyone.
Jina Bhagat used to fast some days in the month. Realizing that such delicious sweets like sata and jalebi will be served on that day he decided to observe a fast. All the sadhus went for lunch, except Jina Bhagat.
When the king heard that Jina Bhagat was fasting, he pleaded with him saying, “Today is a festival day. You should not fast today, so please eat.” Jina Bhagat politely refused. The king repeated his request several times but Jina Bhagat told him, “I have a stomachache and am not hungry, so I do not want to eat anything.”
The king then appealed to Krishnacharandas Swami, “Please tell the young Jina Bhagat to eat.” So Swamiji asked Jina Bhagat not to fast that day. But he gave the same reply to Swamiji, and did not eat. Thus, despite such tasty delicacies, Jina Bhagat fasted.
Krishnacharandas Swami was inwardly pleased that Jina Bhagat was not tempted even by the tastiest of sweets to break his fast. He praised his austerity and self-control. That night he called Jina Bhagat and placed his hands on his head, and blessed him. He advised the other young sadhus to cultivate the same virtues of austerity and self-restraint as Jina Bhagat.