Ada's Blessings

In Vartal, on the morning of 11 April 1911 (Chaitra sud 13, V.S. 1967), Acharya Shripatiprasadji Maharaj gave Jina Bhagat the bhagwati diksha. Jina Bhagat was renamed Sadhu Gnanjivandasji. But the sadhus and devotees fondly called him ‘Yogi’, while Krishnacharandas Swami called him ‘Gnanji Swami’.
On 7 June 1911 (Jeth sud 11, V.S. 1967), after celebrating ekadashi, Sadhu Gnanjivandasji, along with seven other sadhus, left the Junagadh mandir to join Shastriji Maharaj to help promote the true philosophy of Akshar and Purushottam, as taught by Bhagwan Swaminarayan in the Vachanamrut.
It was on Saturday, 4 October 1911 (Aso sud 11, V.S. 1967), that Krishnaji Ada breathed his last. Bidding his last ‘Jai Swaminarayan’ to Shastriji Maharaj and other sadhus he asked, “Where is Gnanji Swami? Call him here.” Gnanji Swami (Yogiji Maharaj), who was sitting in the corner, prostrated before him and then came and stood respectfully by his side. Krishnaji Ada asked him to come nearer; and when he did, he placed his hands upon his head, and blessed him.
Nirgundas Swami remarked, “Gnanji Swami! It is not Krishnaji Ada who is blessing you, but believe that Bhagatji Maharaj and Jaga Bhagat are blessing you.”
Because of his great love for all, Krishnaji Ada’s eyes welled up with tears. Then bidding ‘Jai Swaminarayan’, his last farewell, he left this world for Akshardham.