A year later, Jinabhai obtained permission from his parents to become a sadhu. Mother Puribai prepared kansar and served her son for the last time. Applying a chandlo to his forehead, and wishing him fulfilment in his new life, she gave him a proud but sorrowful send off. On 1 November 1908 (Kartik sud 7, V.S. 1965), Jinabhai left home. He set out for Junagadh. On the way he was accompanied by his elder brother, Kamalshibhai. The very next day, they met Krishnacharandas Swami.
On 8 November 1908 (the full moon day (Punam) of Kartik, V.S. 1965), Jinabhai was given the parshad diksha by Krishnacharandas Swami. He was then given the name Jina Bhagat. Jina Bhagat immediately took on various duties at the mandir.
In those days the parshads were entrusted with the task of grazing the cows and buffaloes of the mandir. Jina Bhagat would go along with the other parshads to the foot of Mount Girnar to graze the cattle. While the cattle grazed, Jina Bhagat sang bhajans, and memorized Swamini Vato.
In the evening, Jina Bhagat would return to the mandir along with the cattle. On the way back he would cut and gather babul sticks, used for brushing teeth in the morning, for all three hundred sadhus in the mandir.
Besides this, every morning he cleaned the cowsheds and collected cow-dung. He would then make little flat cakes out of the dung and placed them in the sun to dry. They were then used for fuel.
In spite of fatigue from the day’s work Jina Bhagat always attended the satsang assemblies every evening. He would sing bhajans and chant the Swaminarayan mantra. Then he would stay and listen to the discourses till late night. Every morning he would get up at four to serve his guru once again. Such was his daily routine.
He earned the blessings of Krishnacharandas Swami by serving him devoutly for six months.