Bhakta Appears in a Dream

During those days, Krishnaji Ada and Pujaji Bapu (disciples of Jaga Bhakta) were frequent visitors to Junagadh. Jina Bhagat listened to their discourses. Krishnaji Ada narrated many incidents about the greatness of Jaga Bhakta. Day after day Jina Bhagat heard about the spiritual glory of Jaga Bhakta.
Once, at night, a thought came to him, “How great Jaga Bhakta must be!” With this thought he fell asleep. During his sleep, at two o’clock in the morning, he had a wonderful dream. He dreamt that Jaga Bhakta was standing before him, wearing a dhoti and a white turban on his head. Jina Bhagat immediately prostrated before Jaga Bhakta, and addressed him saying, “Guru, today you have fulfilled my wish by giving me your darshan. I am overjoyed. Please say a few words of wisdom.”
Jaga Bhakta replied, “You should keep two guidelines in mind. The first is to form a habit of reading the shastras and the second is to keep the association of holy sadhus.” Then Jina Bhagat again prostrated before Jaga Bhakta in his dream.
The habit of reading shastras means daily reading of the Vachanamrut, Swamini Vatu, Shikshapatri, Bhaktachintamani, Harililamrut, etc. with reverence, and applying the wisdom contained in them. Contact of revered sadhus means seeking the company of a God-realized Sadhu such as Shastriji Maharaj.
We must also cultivate these two habits and thus strive to achieve inner fulfilment.