Two I Have Done, You Do One
was a guru who was very peaceful and very knowledgeable. He
spent his time singing the glory of God. Once, along with his
disciple he arrived at a village. It was a rainy day and they
had become exhausted. Night fell. And they prepared to sleep
in a small mandir. Both of them lay on the floor but the lamp
had been left burning. The guru asked the disciple, ''It is
time to sleep,
so snuff out the lamp!''
The disciple quipped, ''Oh just cover your head with your blanket.
It will be as good as putting out the lamp.'' Then, after a
while, the guru asked, ''Please see if it is still raining outside
or not.'' Just then a cat entered through the mandir door. It
had come from outside. The disciple said, ''Just stroke the
cat with your hand. If it is wet then you'll know that it is
still raining.''
Next, the guru commanded, ''We must sleep now, so go and close
the main door.'' ''But two jobs I have done, now you do one,''
the disciple complained. Such disciples never progress on the
spiritual path.
The real disciple should obey each and every command of his
guru. Only by implicit obedience does he attain the divine virtues
of his guru. Never answer back or be cheeky towards your guru.
Only then will you rise in the spiritual world.