Campaigned against Addictions and Superstitions
Sahajanand Swami redeemed
society from the shackles of addictions and superstitions. He preached
not to fear the demons and devils, and promoted undivided devotion to
One Mulu Khachar was initiated into
the Swaminarayan Sampradaya. As a disciple he was bound to follow the
cardinal tenets, but having an old habit for addictions, he was allowed
to take opium and tobacco. Once on his way to Vadtal, the pedestrians
pointing towards him commented: "That fellow is not a true adherent
of the Swaminarayan Sampradaya as he smokes hookah." Muluji could
not bear to hear this. So he broke his hookah. At Vadtal, the group
was greeted by the devotees and they embraced one another. However,
none embraced Mulu Khachar, because he was addicted to opium. He decided
to thenceforth abstain from opium. Thus he was weaned away from the
addictions of tobacco and opium.
Thus, Bhagwan Swaminarayan eradicated addictions and superstitions from
the lives of thousands of people.