Wretched is a Miracle-Wisher
During his spiritual tour
Vyapkanand Swami came to Botad. Here, Hamir Khachar's disheartened spirit
brightened when Vyapkanand Swami revived his dead mare, by sprinkling
water on it and uttering the Swaminarayan Mahamantra. Many praised him
for this miracle but Vyapkanand Swami gave credit to Lord Swaminarayan.
When he met the Lord, the latter told him sternly, "We have come
here to dispel people's ignorance by imparting the knowledge of Atma
and Paramatma, and not to perform miracles."
Shobharam Shastri once said, "Oh Swaminarayan! If you show miracles
to important and wealthy people then this Fellowship will grow in leaps
and bounds." Lord Swaminarayan replied, "I have no desires
for the gifts offered to Me by those who crave for miracles. Before
the bliss of God the happiness of the fourteen worlds is insignificant."
Muktanand Swami sang, "Wretched is he who craves for miracles."
Lord Swaminarayan's real miracle was leading the masses onto the path
of spiritual regeneration.