M a j o r   N e w s   o f    B A P S
A p r i l  -   2 0 1 0
Asia Pacific Karyakar Convention, Auckland, New Zealand
Yuvak-Yuvati Shibir “Sanskruti - Values and Traditions” , Auckland, New Zealand
Yuvak-Yuvati Shibir “Sanskruti - Values and Traditions” , Auckland, New Zealand
Satsang Shibir - “Samasyã ane Samãdhãn”
Pramukh Swami Maharaj in Ahmedabad, India
Sarah Brown Attends Women's Conference at Neasden Temple, London, UK
Celebrating Women: Past, Present & Future In Observance of International Women’s Day 2010, London, UK
Swamishri's Blessings, Gandhinagar, India
BAPS Participates in the Queen’s Baton Relay for Commonwealth Games, Sydney, Australia
Swaminarayan Jayanti Celebration by North America Mahila Mandal
Satsang Shibir, Singapore, Asia Pacific
Satsang Shibir, Singapore
4 April 2010
Opening Ceremony of Sat-Chit-Anand Water Show, Swaminarayan Akshardham, Gandhinagar, India
Pramukh Swami Maharaj in Gandhinagar, India

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