The Swaminarayan School
is quietly satisfying the ever-growing demand for high quality
education in Nagpur, the land of oranges. Nourishing children
with values and wisdom, academics and achievements, the school
had a humble beginning.
The Swaminarayan School was inaugurated by HDH Pramukh Swami Maharaj
on 22 June 1997. It began with 215 students in the nursery and
kindergarten classes of the Pre-Primary School. Then, with the
commencement of the Primary School, the student strength has grown
to 620 in 2002.
To provide a character-building,
value-based, English-medium education upto the tenth standard,
we have designed special curriculums, employed qualified and experienced
teachers, whose teaching abilities are continually upgraded through
interactive training programmes.
Thus, in a relatively
short time, our school has attained such reputation and popularity
that, at present, a double-shift system is in operation to accommodate
the students. With this increasing demand for admission, a blueprint
for a new state-of-the-art school has been made.